Dun know how i can opened my Friendster's Blog.. But i'm very impress to the each word that came from my mind at that time. Make me smile alone....the time is keep changing but I'm never change.. u i ♥...
This is my post on my friendster's blog on July 28, 2009
a new me and a new post
mungkin bagi org lain experience adalah biasa. tapi bagi aku itulah permulaan aku dibidang ni…tempoh tuk aku mengenali alam pendidikan yang penuh cabaran ni hanya 5 bulan. 2 bulan di SK chalil n 3 bulan di SK Perasu.dari titis keringat anak2 kecil yang nakal, aku berkerja… rupa2nya profesion ini bukan profesion tambahan setelah cita-cita lain tidak tercapai, profesion ini menuntut minat, kasih sayang dan kesabaran.. tidak aku nafikan cita-cita ini bukan dr kehendakku, tp minat dan hasrat murni ibuku…mungkin doanya saban hari untuk melihat seorang daripada kami menjadi pendidik membawa aku ke sini…
aku bangga disini mengenali setiap tokoh yang bakal melahirkan generasi yang berilmu, berpengetahuan dan bercita-cita tinggi. aku masih belum pasti apakah aku bakal menjadi pendidik yang berjaya, namun setiap langkah nadiku disini adalah untuk anak-anak bangsaku..
semoga tuhan mengabulkan doa ibuku, doaku, doa anak2 muridku dan doa semua..
my friendster's blog post on January 11, 2010
be a good teacher….
Today, wen i’m looking for my fren’s presentations, wen they are being teachers, i got some idea how to develop students towards the world today..
the first thing is giving them(students) experiences, wen they learn more n they doing some activity during classroom learning they will experienced it. when they already have experience on that, they will understand they topic easily and will apply the experience on real life-situation.
while i’m teaching at sk chalil , i always ask my students, what is the reason they come to school. they looked blur n dun noe how to responded my question. i want they noe the reason why they r here.. i’m not waiting too long n give answer.. i’m telling them dat ” balik ni tgk muka ibubapa kamu, bila mereka balik dari kerja kamu tgk bagaimana penatnya mereka”..i want they noe about RESPONSIBILITY.. dis approaches is suitable because they comes from a difficult situation..one of my student always didn’t come to school becoz helping his parent. he is just 8 years old…..how the life effect their studies.. =(..
the most important thing is always give student opportunity to develop their skills, their talent in whatever field they like..because its about their life. we as the teachers should give full support on that.
Dr wong’s words that i never forget:
we are already here, already chosen,so dun think we are not talented- we just come here to learn, adding some information, some skill, some knowledge before we enter the world named EDUCATION.
i’m always telling myself,
happy teaching..